lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

7 days, 7 positive steps

Este día 18 de enero es el tercer lunes del año y es, desde hace una década, el día más triste del año de acuerdo con un fórmula matemática creada por Cliff Arnall, investigador de la Universidad de Cardiff, que bautizó este día como 'Blue Monday'.
En ella, se suman varios factores distintos, tanto climatológicos como económicos e incluso de motivación, que influyen en el estado de ánimo de las personas.
El final de la Navidad, el frío y la cuesta de enero son clave. Arnall llegó a esta conclusión tras estudiar el clima, la posible escasa liquidez para pagar algunas deudas y la decepción por haber incumplido los propósitos del nuevo año.
Aún pesan los kilos de los atracones de Navidad, el tiempo es malo y quedan varios días para cobrar.
Además, comienzan a llegar las facturas de los créditos pedidos para los regalos navideños y la motivación, además, suele ser baja.

Por eso Scott nuestro profesor de inglés no trae como ser un poco más felices y positivos

7 days, 7 positive steps

It’s always good to start the new year on a positive note so, let’s look at some ways we can improve our happiness. I found this story on the BBC website called “A 7 day guide to the pursuit of happiness”  

Each day it suggests one positive action you can take to improve your happiness and to make you feel positive.

On mondays, it says that you should write an entry in your diary, letting go of any stress that has built up from the previous week. Using the slogan “write don’t fight” I would recommend keeping whatever you have written in your diary and not posting it on twitter or facebook, where someone is bound to make you feel worse.

After letting go of all that built up frustration in your diary, on Tuesday it encourages you to do five random acts of kindness, this apparently leads to greater satisfaction in your life and as shown on the t-shirt if you give love, you get love.

It’s Wednesday and you’re halfway through the work week, perhaps you’re feeling a little frustrated or stressed. Well, this article advises you to take a couple of minutes of the day to think about your family, close friends or someone who means a lot to you, then think about how you would feel if you didn’t have them anymore. This process makes you appreciate the people around you and gives you a sense of gratitude.


On Thursday we should take a look at our old photos to remind ourselves of how meaningful our life is. These photos could be of family, friends, holidays, travelling trips, with old work colleagues, charitable work or some kind of achievement such as finishing university or winning an award. With the timehop app on Facebook, this has become a regular occurrence on my news feed.


Finally it’s Friday and you have finished work, what should you do? According to the article you should find something awe-inspiring to look at, it could be a work of art, the night sky, something really big, or perhaps something like a quiet forest, valley, mountain or river. Scientists say that this broadens the mind and makes you feel less anxious.


It’s the weekend, Saturday is here and you want to be lazy, you want to sit on the couch and watch TV. This isn’t as beneficial as we’d like to think, this article suggests that we should try giving up television or another every day pleasure such as chocolate or even your mobile phone. This will help you appreciate the smaller things in life.

It’s the end of the week and after all the good things you have done, why not have a day for yourself? In this seven day guide, Sunday is the “guilt free” day. I guess this can be interpreted in many ways, but for me a guilt free day would be eating all the pizza, hamburgers, chocolate and ice cream that I possibly could. They recommend having a guilt free day so that you do not give into temptations during the week. I can see the sense in that.

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